I remember…

I remember:
Ox-Tail Soup
Riding the Tractor
CB Radios
Sitting on my Hands at a Cattle Auction
The Airstream
Feeding the Cows
Fishing, Lots of Fishing
A Thermos Full of Coffee
The Bulls (on the Farm)
The Back 40
Disposing of Possums
Digging Potatoes
The Front Porch Swing
The Black Hawk Waltz
9 1/2 fingers
Tons of Slides!
Campground Santas and Campers on Mission
Pirate-themed Family Nights at TNC
Envelopes with Spending Money and Short Notes
Chinese Checkers
A Messy Truck
Your Chuckles
See you later, Grandpa. Tell Jesus I said, “Hi!”

Me, Grandma and Grandpa (1977)

the Little Man, the Big Girl, and Grandpa (Christmas 2007)

6 thoughts on “I remember…”

  1. Memories are lovely treasures… you sure have some good ones (and unusual ones, because they were both very special people) to remember him by. Thanks for sharing your list with us.
    Aunt Kat

  2. Memories are lovely treasures… you sure have some good ones (and unusual ones, because they were both very special people) to remember him by. Thanks for sharing your list with us.
    Aunt Kat

  3. Your list of memories reminds me of things that I have forgotten about over the years. I did not know about the Ox-Tail soup. We just called it FOOD, even if it was all the leftovers out of the refridge. He never openned cans to make soup.

    Thank you,
    Uncle David

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