2 down…9 to go! (and 1 UFO!)

Yeah!!!!! I’ve finished 2 pieces for the PR Wardrobe Contest. Here are a few pictures of my dress (HP 102) and jacket (HP 104) modeled by my favorite dummy!

This dress is made of 100% cotton jersey in solid black. It is a beautiful, wash and wearable fabric. The style itself is perfect for me: easy to wear, wrestle kids in, and take care of. It is made from Hot Patterns 102 No Sweat Easy Sew Triple T-Shirt Dresses. I used the low-scooped bodice, short sleeves and the straight skirt. It took about 1 1/2 hours to start and finish this dress. I love projects I can finish quick! (4 yards of my stash used! 2 for the dress, 2 for a muslin)

This jacket is made in a sweater knit I bought at Hobby Lobby some time ago. I have no idea what it’s made of, but that’s part of the fun of stash shopping! The facing on the jacket are actually the satin I will be using on a top. (2 yards from my stash!)

The jacket is also a Hot Patterns pattern. It is from HP 104 Sugar Babe Set. I will be finishing a top and pants to match this week, I hope. The biggest change I made on this piece–I didn’t use the drawstring neckline like the patten recommends. Having made this once before, I found the drawstring terribly impractical, especially for the Mom of a 3-year-old imp. Instead, I measured the neckline I wanted and cut a piece of 3/4 inch elastic. I ran that through the facings, stitching it in place 1 inch from either front edge. From there I can adjust the gathers as needed. As for a closure–it is being debated. My Big Girl wants me to use a big rinestone button. I’m leaning more toward a fancy hook and eye type closure.

Nope, this dress doesn’t match my wardrobe. It’s actually a dress for Mom. I started it back before Christmas, but I stopped, dreading the lapped zipper. I decided to finish it so that I could reposition the cushioning on the dress form to fit my figure instead of hers! She tried it on today and it fits quite nicely, I must say. It is Simplicity 3744 and you can read my review here.

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