Hello Summer!

Wow!  It’s already the 3rd week of June!  Where is my summer going?  The last 2 weeks of May were crazy with the end of school.  We had parties and honors assemblies and concerts and more parties.  I’m so proud of both the children.  100_2242

They each had a fabulous school year and did very well.  They both met reading goals and PE goals and had straight As for the entire year!

100_2232My big girl also earned recognition in music, writing, and art! 

June kicked off to a fast and furious start! 

100_2254The kids have swimming practice at 8 each morning and again at 4 each afternoon.  They’ve also attended basketball camp (“That was fun, but basketball is not my sport” –AB) and VBS.


We had 3 summer league swim meets and one COSST meet crammed in the last 3 weeks too!  It has been quite a feat keeping the shop up and running and teaching a few sewing classes with all these other fun things!

And now, it’s already the 3rd week of June!  Things will settle down a bit now, just the 2-a-day swim practices and a few sewing classes left to fill our days until July.  Well, those and a visit from Grandpa, blueberry picking, putting up veggies from the garden, playing in the pool…

2 thoughts on “Hello Summer!”

    1. I did! Goodman’s (through Amazon). For less than $25 I replaced the valve, the gasket and the regulator! And it worked beautifully!

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