Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

St. Paul’s Day School hosts a precious Easter parade every year.

This year, the Little Man had very definite ideas about how his hat should be decorated. He wanted:

bunny ears, Easter grass and eggs to hide in the grass.

I hit the dollar store for a baseball cap and bunny ears (on a headband). I found smaller plastic eggs for $0.33 at Hobby Lobby. And then, I pulled out some plastic Easter grass.

LM: No Mom. Not that stuff.
Me: I thought you wanted grass.
LM: Fabric grass.
Me: Fabric grass? Uhm… (Frantic searching through the small scraps.)
Me: Aha! (Pulling out the trims.) Will this do?
LM: (After carefully examining the green ric rac.) That’s awesome!

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