Let’s celebrate with a summer giveaway

Hooray!  School is finally out!  We are so excited for summer.  We’ve got lots of plans:  swimming, VBS, piano, swimming, gardening, swimming, day camp, swimming, sewing, and more swimming!!!

To celebrate, I’m giving one blog subscriber the perfect little outfit for their little beach bum.

The Sandcastle jumper or the Beach Ball and Pail short set.  Which one is perfect for your little one’s summertime personality?

To enter, just subscribe to the blog and leave me a comment telling me that you are my newest follower.  On Memorial Day (Monday, May 30) around 7pm-ish, I’ll draw a name from all my followers!  I’ll let you know who the winner is Monday night!

***Edited 7:30 May 30, 2011***This giveaway is now closed!

7 thoughts on “Let’s celebrate with a summer giveaway”

  1. I’m your newest follower!!! Looking for baby girl clothes!! 🙂 LOVE the gingham purple dress!!!

  2. No, *I’M* your newest follower, Salinda! Pick me! Pick me! Allison wore a pair of her monogrammed diaper covers today…!!

  3. Newest follower (of the blog…). Love all your precious clothes! My son looks super cute in his seersucker jon jon!! 🙂

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