DIY Fringe Scarf


Oh my goodness!  Easiest project ever!  This scarf takes about 15 minutes and can be so cheap, or even free, depending on what’s in your stash!  I found the idea on Pinterest, but I recreated the steps here:

1. Find a tee shirt.  Any tee shirt would do, but I wanted a green scarf, so I found mine at Michaels for $2.99.  IMG_5185

2.  Chop it off below the arm holes.IMG_5186

3.  Slice into the scarf.  I made 1/2 inch slices about half way up the rectangle.


4.  Gently tug on each of the strips, stretching them.  They will curl naturally as you pull.IMG_5197IMG_5198

5.  Ignore the crummy cell phone picture and enjoy your new easy-peesy scarf.


Seersucker for Easter


I tried 2 new patterns this Easter  Both the tie pattern and the dress pattern were very well written and had step-by-step pictures that would make it simple for even a beginner sewing enthusiast to follow along.



The tie pattern from Butterfly Tree was very simple, however, I thought their pattern instructions were not the most efficient.  I made a second one just with common sense and found it much quicker.  The only change I made to this pattern was to monogram it before stitching together.  Christopher got so many compliments on it.  I’ve been asked if I’ll carry ties in my shop.  I probably will, but not this pattern.  I personally found the tie slightly too narrow for my taste and I didn’t care for the construction instructions.


IMG_5744The dress is Emmaline from Violette Threads.  This is a maxi dress with a ruffled, v-neck and ruffle variations along the bottom of the dress.  My big girl choose the red stripe seersucker from the shop stash.  This pattern only runs up to a 10, but it was very simple to grade it up one more size.  Addie chose the single ruffle design, thought the triple ruffle along the bottom would be really cute too!  This dress was surprisingly quick to stitch up.  The dress only took me about 2 hours!  I can’t wait to try more patterns from Violette Threads.  Addie already has her next dress picked out!


Happy Easter!


The idea of the new birth that eggs bring is such a beautiful idea. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.  2 Corinthians 5: 17

We didn’t dye Easter eggs this year.  Instead, I spent a few minutes stitching up these.  Addie and Christopher stuffed them for me. 


The pattern is from Sweetwater’s little sprout collection.  I love these quick little patterns.  They give me a great way to use up tiny bits of fun new fabric collections.


Home of Needles, Nuts, and Bolts Sewing Classes and Personality Children's Clohtes