Summer’s fading fast–and a Giveaway Winner!


What a weekend we’ve had!  My family spent a few days fishing, crabbing and relaxing on the beach at Grand Isle.

(For those of you not familiar with Louisiana geography, that’s about as far south as you can go without running into the Gulf of Mexico.)

Vacation means the end of summer for us.  School starts in only 3 short weeks.  I would be sad, but I love so many things about the Fall–routines, cooler weather, FOOTBALL!!!!

If you haven’t stopped by the shop lately, let me show you a few new and returning pieces perfect for football season, Halloween and the fall.

And, this is just the beginning.  I’ve got a list of ideas ready to stitch up.

Now for the big question that I know you all want answered–Who won the giveaway???

Kristen T, who said her favorite things about summer are:

Icees, fresh fruit, ice cream, being in the water, a/c!, grilling almost every meal (means less to clean up!), vacation with the family, laying out and being outside! I am a follower!

Kristen–you’ve got 3 days to email me back about your prize!  I can’t wait to hear from you.  Congrats!

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