The Mighty Mississippi—a view from above

At our house:  swim meet = road trip!


We tripped down to Baton Rouge two weekends ago.  If you’ve been keeping up with the flooding along the Mississippi River, it was the weekend they opened the Morganza Spillway in South Louisiana.  We drove over the Basin and didn’t see the water, but it arrived a day or 2 later.

Here are a few shots of the Mississippi as it flowed through Baton Rouge on May 14, 2011.  You can see just how high the water had risen.100_9869100_9866100_9877100_9880

We snapped these pictures from the top of the Louisiana Capital building.  We took the kids to tour the building and see the view off the top of the 27th floor.


We also walked around the Pentagon Barracks and the Arensal.


…and of course, not trip to Baton Rouge is complete without stopping by LSU to say “hi” to Mike the Tiger!


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